What is the San Francisco DCCC?

The Democratic County Central Committee (the DCCC) governs the San Francisco Democratic Party. The SF Democratic Party registers new voters, charters Democratic Clubs, pursues issue advocacy, makes endorsements, raises money, and campaigns in elections. Put another way: the DCCC sets the agenda of the San Francisco Democratic Party and marshals its brand, volunteers, and money to achieve that agenda.

Why is this office important?

The DCCC is the most important race that you’ve never heard of, because they can win local elections. DCCC-endorsed candidates can say they are “endorsed by the Democratic Party”, which carries a lot of weight in solid-blue San Francisco. For low-visibility races, the DCCC endorsement can swing an election by 8 percentage points. The current DCCC has taken positions on candidates and policies that are out of sync with San Francisco voters, such as defunding public safety initiatives, and refusing to take a position on the 2022 school board recall. If you want to change the government’s policies and elected officials, you should start with the DCCC. It’s a low-turnout, high-impact election.

Who can vote for San Francisco DCCC members?

Only registered Democrats can vote for SF DCCC members on March 5, 2024.

Are you running as part of AD-17 or AD-19?

Parag is running for AD-19. To check whether you are part of AD-17 or AD-19, please check this website to see if you are part of AD-17 or AD-19.